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Our 2025 Herd Goals
bear with me here...

If you are coming to this page for the first time or maybe even to our website for the first time - my name is Alanna Renstrom and I am the heart and soul behind Renrivier Dairy Goats. I pour everything I have into these incredible animals and I do it nearly 100% alone. Sometimes I take a breaks from milk testing and showing and appraisal  for my mental health - sometimes I sell animals because I am feeling overwhelmed. I am only human and while I'd love to be the perfect goat breeder 100% of the time, it's just not always feasible. I had an especially difficult year in 2024 with nearly my entire kid crop getting wiped out by a mystery illness brought home by a kid I brought in. It was truly enough to make me want to quit altogether - which is the reason I began dispersing my adult herd in April of 2024. Not only was this illness taking hold of my kids, but my own father was in poor health and losing his battle with stage 4 cancer.  Feeling like I had lost the one thing getting me through slowly losing my father made me reconsider what I wanted to do. A few short months later I brought back the animals I had leased out as well as leased a few new animals. Having these little quirky creatures here has truly been a saving grace through the loss of my dad. With all of that said, I decided that I would like to try a little harder next year. I needed something to look forward to during an incredibly difficult time in my life and I decided that setting goals and sticking to those goals might help. 



I started DHI testing in 2020 and did the ITP 02 plan. Honestly, milk testing was so intimidating for me until I actually got started on it and realized it was pretty simple. I did ITP 02 for three years and then in 2024 I switched to OS hoping it would make life easier. In a way it did because I was no longer relying on another person's schedule but I do hope to go back to ITP 02 at some point. My 2025 goal is to complete at least five tests on every doe before they are offered for sale and to complete 305 days on does that stay here.

Linear Appraisal


I participated in my very first appraisal session in 2021 and in that same session had two does appraise 90! I had a third doe appraise 90 in my 2022 session. My herd has changed a lot since then and while I didn't appraise in 2023 or get a 90 in my 2024 appraisal, I am hopeful that the choices I am making now will lead me there in the future. My ultimate goal of course is to have a doe of my own breeding appraise 90+! My 2025 goal is to get all does appraised, including does that may leave the herd next year. My hope is to start compiling data on all does whether they stay in our herd or not.


I participated in my very first show in the year 2020. That was the only show I attended that year but the following year is when the bug truly took hold of me. I have shown religiously ever since - even earning two GCH, two RGCH, and two Best in Show in the year 2022. I truthfully have felt discouraged getting through entire seasons without a win but all it's really inspired me to just continue trying to breed a better goat.  My 2025 goal was to attend the National Show in Nebraska (and perhaps I still may) but it may not happen the way I had intended it to. Beyond that, my goal for 2025 is to add at least one new ribbon to my collection. 

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Renrivier is proud to be an ADGA Plus member as well as a member of AGS and ANDDA
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